"Three neighborhoods that are not loyal to the union"


Of the 46 players in the F15 national team, no one came from Skåne, Västergötland or Halland
This time, the district chose to boycott the annual national team in Halmstad.
– These are the girls who are losing, she says to the GP

Almost a quarter of the Swedish flagpelers were eliminated before the withdrawal of the national team from the last F15 team. It was then that the federation Pia Sundhage chose to score against three districts – Skåne, Västergötland and Halland – who would not send their players to the annual Halmstad camp.

The three districts considered collecting, formerly the elite camp, as an electoral process of talent. Instead of promoting development, it is counterproductive, according to GP

The Sundhage F15 National Team motivates the decision that "leaders do not have the time" to go around the players who do not not present

. that I choose players from those who have gone to Halmstad. I do not know what's in Västergötland, Skåne and Halland. Who should I choose and what should I compare? said Sundhage to GP

– We watched the development camp and then we took the best players from there. There are obviously three districts that are not loyal to the union, which I find personally strange. I made myself A country fighters when I was 15 years old and I joined the Västgöta team when I was 13 years old. My purely personal opinion is that it is very excellent.

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