Three prisoners for the kidnapping of the actors of Halloween


Daisy McCrackin and Joseph Capone play together in the movie Halloween: Resurrection. According to the prosecutor, the three kidnappers broke into Daisy McCrackin's home in Los Angeles on May 3, 2017.

Capone grabbed a pistol with a headache, then put black hoods over their heads. heads and drove them several kilometers from the house of the kidnappers, writes the guardian.

Without food for 30 hours

Well there, Joseph Clone dressed all the clothes and left him naked and without food in a tub for 30 hours. Two of the kidnappers then took Daisy McCrackin into the car and drove him to several banks to force 10,000 US dollars, or about 88,000 Swedish kroner, according to police investigators.

The next day, they released McCrackin at her home, after which she escaped and contacted the police, reports the Guardian. The three kidnappers have been arrested and are now believed to suspect kidnappings and threats of weapons.

Greps under the threat of a weapon

A person was arrested during a shootings by Los Angeles police on Monday, filmed by spectators and the film was split over two million of times on Twitter, writes the Guardian.

Two suspects are held against a $ 1 million guarantee and the third suspects $ 2 million in bail. If all three people are sentenced, they are all at risk at the time of imprisonment.

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