Thronebreaker: the criticism of Witcher Tales


CD Project Red, the brain behind the critically acclaimed The Witcher game series, has launched a single-player campaign for the Gwent collectible card game. We are here to put all his cards on the table. Much has changed since the Witcher mini-game was discovered. We followed its evolution to its own IP address and challenged several great multiplayer games such as Blizzard's Successful Hearthstone and The Elder Scrolls: Legends, but for those who wanted a one-player game. The targeted gaming experience was not really integrated into the game (except the actual campaign mode, which was essentially a mini-scale mini-game version whose sole purpose was to collect more cards in multiplayer mode. ). CD Project Red, however, has heard the prayers of the fans focus more on the single-player game, creating Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales – a leading RPG that blends into the Gwent that we all love and that offers fans two genres a captivating hybrid experience.

In Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, you play as the elegant and brave Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia who return home after being contacted by the man in charge of guiding Willem's son to reign over the kingdom, which will succeed him. However, the queen returns to a chaotic country after invading her neighbor Nilfgaard and it now belongs to the player to recover his country of overwhelming force at the scale of the war. With the help of loyal right-hander Reynard, Meve must recruit troops to reduce the gap and smooth the rules, improve Lyria's chances of survival, maintain morale and help her people surpass themselves.

Tronebreaker: The Witcher TalesTronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

The player controls Meve in her first ranked realm by clicking on the beautiful and huge map that contains many different areas and environments. You are relatively free to explore the game world, with the exception of scripts and other events. The RPG elements are well implemented, which gives the experience of the card game a single player. When you walk around and collect resources, you face a number of challenges, puzzles, battles, and environmental interactions with most results (some of which are page assignments). If you are concerned about the long distances to go, nothing exists because the fast breeds of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are also available in Thronebreaker to reduce the number of steps between places.

We start with resource management, which leads us to camping. This camp, which can be visited at any time, except in case of clashes, includes several operations during which you can use resources to obtain important rewards. Resources (gold, timber, and troops) are also used to achieve different goals, to trade, to remove obstacles in the environment, and to create new maps for your battle. In the camp, you can also find a training ground where you can test its reduced strength against artificial intelligence-controlled opponents and a fairground where you can talk with your commander, your soldiers and more.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is of course not an RPG experience because all the battles in the game – whether it's rock raids, clashes with crazy kisses or other old honorable fights – are determined by card games. This is not really a surprise – after all, Gwent talks about it – but the rules of the game are not as unstable as in the original game and some things have changed dramatically for Thronebreaker. For example, there are no more headquarters units; The siege line was completely removed, with only the fight and the shooter remaining on the field. Leadership cards, which of course represent Drottning Meve in different card styles, can be used multiple times with different leadership skills for each of the game's rankings, yet require triggering card abilities.

Tronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

The games also differ in many ways. For example, the objective of the matches may vary from the "last survivor" to "hold the opposing counterpart away from the ideal position" or "suppress the opponent's troops with a limited number of cards in a round". This arrangement helps the fights to feel interesting without changing the concept too much. As in the base game, a match of maximum three rounds consists and the winner of a round can start the next round. The exceptions to this three-rule rule are riddles. Winning a match is incredibly satisfying thanks to the reward in the form of a masterful written dialogue and stories, as well as the challenge of going out of a fight. If these battles can be felt too harshly, the game also gives you the opportunity to lower the difficulty ladder, which here consists of three degrees; Adventurer, Stridshärdad and Bencrosser – the first gives you the opportunity to pass the battles of Gwent to enjoy the story.

Speaking of history, the player can also influence the story through dialogue and choices during these conversations can have stressful moral consequences, large and small, which in turn affect the perception of people by the inhabitants of Lyria and Nilfgaard. The interactions with the troops and the commander are also well composed, the relationships you create during the game are real.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a new fan of the genre of digital card games, but also of the RPG genre. CD Project Red once again showed that they could rise to the limits of world-class storytelling and architecture. This solo experience is impressive in every word of the word. This is a gaming campaign of more than 30 hours. So it's just useful – we can strongly recommend it.

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