Tom Jones, 78, taken to hospital urgently


Tom Jones, 78, would appear at Stansted Park in Chichester, UK on Wednesday night.

But the world star was forced to ride his show at the last moment when he had suffered a bacterial infection. He announced his press contact via the star's Twitter.

"It's sad to have to postpone Tom Jones' performance at the Chester Racecourse tonight, the show will be postponed until Sunday, August 12th." Tom Jones writes a press release in a post on Twitter

In addition, Tom Jones is now taken care of at the hospital for infection.

"He is on the lookout and hopes for a speedy recovery, he is extremely sad and disappointed at not being able to happen tonight, he really apologizes for any inconvenience that affects the public and all those who worked with the show. "

Tom Jones:" I'm sorry to put. "

On Thursday, Tom Jones writes his own message on Twitter. He talks about his feelings of having to put up.

"I am sorry to put up yesterday's show in Chichester.It's a horrible feeling to disappoint everyone.I know that many of you have come across a long way and have taken the time to plan with their friends and family, and it's so disappointing that things do not happen the way you want them. "

Tom Jones Concludes the Message to Thank [19659002] "Thank you for your support and understanding."

Set Tour 2017

Tom Jones has also been affected by health problems last year and had to put all the concerts on his tour.

"After consulting a doctor, Sir Tom Jones announced that he would unfortunately postpone his tour to the United States" , he said on Twitter.

READ MORE: Tom Jones Si ck – Set Tour


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