Tom Xiong's summer parade is a lesson in general education


Xiong grew up in Umeå, but his parents moved to Sweden from China in the 1990s after raising 20,000 crowns, which was a fortune for this college couple.

Parents did not even afford to buy a drink for him when he was small because money needed to be saved and of course they had high hopes for the son.

He told them not to engage and move with his girlfriend during the radar.

Fortunately, parents are certainly very proud of this entrepreneur until now.

Even though he did a career in Stockholm and then in New York, it was only when he was driven to Chinatown to.

Small stories of general history make the summer program interesting. As most Chinese New York Chinatowners come from southern China where most speak Cantonese and Xiong themselves from North China and speak Mandarin. I thought it was almost like speaking Swedish and Danish, but he compared it to Swedish and Finnish.

Then, a tribute and a wonder follow the undeniably successful modernization of China. Of course, you know that China is going through something big and interesting, but it is only when Xiong puts words on it that everything becomes very clear.

The summer parade becomes the most general wording I've heard about China. At the same time, he is essentially saved by the ruthless event that takes place there. While parents were getting out of bed with grass during their education and reading Mao's little red, Tesla cars burned on the roads, and Shanghai replaced New York and London as the metropolis of the industry. technology.

China is a dictatorship.

Instead, Xiong raises the electric revolution in China.

This is far from the cultural revolution.

"Summer in P1" released in podcast at 07 and sent in P1 to 13.

So good was Tom Xiong's "Summer in P1":


A scene in Beijing is described when a Gala with Super Celebrities are shown on the big screen. The biggest is the little man, Jack Ma, behind the online retailer Alibaba which is worth $ 400 trillion in stock market. We get a direct glimpse of perhaps the biggest man of China.


How he does not want to disappoint his parents but still refuses to study shows cultural differences and liberation. And his constant anxiety is also described.


The summer parade is a lesson in general education – not a moment of pleasure. Nevertheless, it is very entertaining.


A conscious and clear cosmopolitan choice for a guy with a more acute indie sound, commercial hip-hop and the latest American giant critic: "This is America". Good positioning.


Xiong ends his Chinese fire speech by saying that we will never know this time again, that we are in the eye of the storm in the Chinese technology sector and the young generation growing up there. Very interesting

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