Tommy Körberg criticizes the manager of Avicii


Arash "Ash" Pournouri: "Based on the most limited print"

Swedish world artists Tim "Avicii" Bergling were tragically absent earlier this year.

Tommy Körberg is now very critical of his management.

– He had lived at a professional artist company, he lived today, says Körberg at Aftonbladet Klick!

Swedish superdog and musician Tim "Avicii" Bergling died in Oman April 20 this year. He is 28 years old.

A few months before his tragic death, the documentary "Avicii: True Stories" went to the movies. It had been a year since Avicii had left the turn for health reasons.

In the movie, Avicii repeatedly says that he has to change his life and finish the tour: "I'm going to die," he says in the movie.

"Could not have been on stage"

But the great Avicii machines continues with a full schedule of concerts, interviews and round trips between different time zones.

One of those seen by the Avicii page in the documentary is his former director Arash "Ash" Pournouri as in a new interview in Aftonbladet Klick! obtains the harsh criticism of Tommy Körberg whose son Anton Körberg is a half-brother of Avicii.

– Tim would not have been on stage, he should have sat in a studio and create. "He had been in a professional art company he had been living today," says Tommy Körberg in Klick!

Tommy Körberg also comments on the events and content of the documentary "Avicii: True stories".

– When greed and stupidity go hand in hand, anything can happen, especially unfortunate things. There's no nasty man who records 900 gigs in eight years, thinks to turn around there, he says.

Ash: "Bad conclusion"

When Ash hears Tommy Körberg's criticism, he does not recognize himself.

– Such a statement shows that she was based on very limited impressions and did not know the circumstances or he really did. It is a categorical statement of a person who did not participate in our work or our team, who draws a personal and false conclusion about my relationship, cooperation and death , Arash "Ash" Pournouri .

Following the death of Avicii, Ash wrote a long article on Facebook where he described the shock of his friend's death.

"I do not even remember when I cried lately. I have not really accepted it yet, I can not even understand that it's true, "he writes.

The documentary" Avicii True stories ", directed by the friend and director Levan Tsikurishvili, left much worried.Over the weekend when Avicii left, he was seen by nearly 1.9 million people online.

"He wanted peace" [19659009] Immediately after the tragic death, the family of Tim Bergling told me in an open letter Ebba Lindqvist about the disappearance of the Swedish world artist:

"Tim , our beloved, was a researcher, a mad artist who has always worried about great existential problems. A pricey perfectionist who traveled and worked at a pace that caused extremely difficult stress.

When he finished the tour, he wanted to find a balance in life to feel good and be able to do what he liked most: the music.

He would not have peace.

Tim was not made for the machines that he ended up in

Tim, you will always be loved and gone.

The one you were and your music will carry the memory of you.

We love you,

The family. "

* Aftonbladet Click! Available today

Here are the greatest hits of Avicii 01:34

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