Too bad that Makaveli Lindén is at liberty


Norway is doing well despise and condemn Sweden. Heikki Bjørklund Paltto, 25, was still alive if the Swedish court system had been reasonable.

Bjørklund Paltto is suspected of being murdered by a Swede who should not have been in Norway two weeks ago. Makaveli Lindén, 20, should have been in prison in Sweden.

The tragedy in Oslo was only a consequence of the irregularity of the Swedish judicial system.

In August 2017, Lindén came through the window of a collective and stole the inhabitants under stabbings. It was not the first time he had been in prison with justice: at the age of fifteen, he had been sentenced to youth aid for theft, theft and drug-related offenses. But the last judgment, from October 2017, was still moderate: a year and a half in prison.

In addition, Swedish trainees serve only two thirds of their sentence. Summaries: After a year, Makaveli Lindén was back.

Makaveli Lindén abused the prison

Nothing indicated that he had become less dangerous in prison. He threatened the staff – "Do not forget to close the window at night when you sleep" – he has been isolated several times and warned. Ten incidents in total were reported, close to one per month.

It is possible to postpone release if an internal complaint "seriously violates the rules and conditions" and "misconduct must be taken into account", admits the criminal case. But in practice, the two-thirds publication is automatic.

Earlier this year, Fadime Sahindal's father and murderer could be released from prison ports only 16 years after the genocide.

At about the same time, one of the mass murderers sentenced to Spring Weather Square, 2015, was released free of charge. This is despite the fact that, like Makaveli Lindén, he was mistreated in prison.

In December, the four Swedes associated with al-Qaeda were sentenced to prepare for terrorist attacks against Jutland Post 2010. They requested the transfer of a Danish prison to a Swedish prison, generating a considerable dividend. In Denmark, they had locked up again.

Clear in Swedish reduction reduction

The Swedish program of vocal music is contrary to the common sense of the law and often to common sense. Serial observer Niklas Lindgren, the Hagaman, was denied leave without custody in May 2015, because he was considered dangerous. Two months later, he was released because of the two-thirds rule.

Parole should definitely exist, but not as a right, but as a possibility for the one who deserves it. In case of a serious crime or repeated crime, the coast must obviously be set aside.

Heikki Bjørklund Paltto could have lived today – and many crimes could be eliminated in Sweden if they were eliminated in the rebate. Condition release, youth reduction, reduction amount, pre-trial limitation, loss of presence – the Swedish court system is like a grocery store: sales are constant and prices are incredibly low.

Read also:

Place the gang where they belong – in prison

Footnote: In the TV player you can see the last section of Ledarsnack. This week, Frida Park and Linda Nordlund discuss flirting with the story of housewife among young feminists.

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