Top Swedish: Eagle-Eye Cherry in the list – Pages


first (1) Avicii with Sandro Cavazza: "Without you"

2. (2) First aid kit: "Fireworks"

3. (4) Darin: "Gemini"

4. (3) Kamferdrops: "I thought the angels were there"

5. (5) Miss Li: "Beautiful"

6. (7) Chris Kläfford: "What Happened to Us"

7. (8) Tomas Andersson Nous: "When the sun colors the night of the junin"

8. (9) Molly Sandén: "Bigger"

9. (6) Uno Svenningsson: "He becomes brighter again"

10. (New) Eagle Cherry: Streets of You


Ghost: "Dance Macabre"

Mariette: "It's Time to Save"

Gustaf Norén: "Wind of Summer" [19659015] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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