Torraste Falsterbo Horse Show in the name of Man – Sport –


The leader of the Falsterbo Horse Show competition Jan-Olof Wannius is organizing the biggest Swedish event in Sweden since 1985. He has never experienced a drought similar to that which has been raging in Skåne since some months.

two and a half months, we received five millimeters of rain. Of course, he has already dried up during the event or a few weeks ago, but never for so long, he says

"In agreement with the leaders"

Since Monday, there is a ban on In the municipality of Vellinge. On its website, the municipality writes that although the Falsterbo Horse Show obviously affects the water consumption of the municipality, the event is far from being the only reason for the problem. The water used for horses comes mainly from a well and not from the municipal network.

We agree with the leaders on how this will happen, there are no strangers. According to Jan-Olof Wannius, a horse does not drink more than 40 liters a day and there is a lot of water nowadays.

Less access to hay

. You have not watered the grass on the surfaces where the crowd is moving, and to tie dust on the dirt roads, you have salted instead of using water [19659004] Then we always made sure to water our fields. Not only because the grass is green, but also because it will not be too hard for horses and riders.

In the footsteps of the drought, there have been reports of food shortages among farmers and organizers of Falsterbo last year at the competitions.

We instead bought hay harvested only a month and a half ago. This is fine, although it is ideal to have the eve of last year. I suffer from all the farmers, says Jan-Olof Wannius.

Compensation of Large Horse Owners

The shortage of food also forced many horse owners across the country to start slaughtering their horses. Landlordryter Peder Fredricson, who assured all his horses with good fodder, said that he felt very sorry for all the animal owners forced to such action.

Terrible people worked hard to build something and then the weather to him. It is clear that the drought is also hitting the suppliers, and it is a little hard. We'll see if we can help compensate in any way.

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