Total lunar eclipse – the largest blood moon of the century | Gothenburg after


An eclipse eclipse longer than this one will not be experienced during the rest of this century, so it may be a place to look.

– It's incredibly easy to see, because it's Friday night in the middle of summer. Then you want to be outside. And that happens. It's always a fantastic sight, but it often happens behind the clouds, early in the morning or in the middle of winter when it's cold, "says Robert Cumming, editor of the magazine Popular Astronomy, and also works at the company. Onsala Space Observatory

to pass almost exactly in the middle of the Earth's shadow and therefore the moon will be completely obscured as long as between 21.30 and 23.14, with the absolute center point at 22.22

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– It will be beautiful when the moon turns red or red. That's why it's also called blood moon, a concept that astrologers invented in the 70's. But in astronomy, it's called Moon Eclipse, says Gunnar Sporrong, amateur astronomer who gives conferences and blogs on astronomy.

A lunar eclipse, despite its name, does not mean that the moon is getting dark. This should have been logically seen when the sun, the earth and the moon are in a straight line and the moon ends completely in the shadow of the earth.

– But what would have been a total darkness will not be because the atmosphere of the earth acts like a lens, swaying the sun's rays that strike the moon and gives a rusty or brownish color, "Gunnar explains Sporrong.

Although the bloodstream is now considered a spectacular and appreciated phenomenon, it has not always been this way. In the past, the moon of blood was considered bad, which the Bible, for example, declares: "The sun will be turned in the darkness and the moon in the blood before the day of the Lord, the great and the terrible."

From Gothenburg, the moon rises above the horizon at 9:30 pm, which means that the moon is already darkened when it arises.

– It will be a little difficult because it is still relatively clear outside. And usually when it's the full moon, you'll notice where that is. But now, you are looking for a dark brown fat in the sky, "says Gunnar Sporrong.

Since it will be low in the sky, it is also important to have an unobstructed view of the southeast if you want to see the bloodstream.

– Having a lake in the southeast can be good or standing on a hill where you have an unobstructed view of the southeast, says Sporrong.

Himself, he will go out to see the camera and telescope eclipse in Skara, where he just has to go on open ground. But he has lived for many years in Gothenburg, and is talking about a place where you can probably see the sky phenomenon clearly.

– For example, if you look at the Smiths and look to Amundön, this should be perfect visibility.

The Mars planet will also appear extraordinarily clear in the evening because it is closer to Earth than it was in 15 years and opposed the sun.

– It will look like a bright star with a different orange color. If you have a better field viewer or telescope telescope, you will also be able to see the March disk. But Mars arrives later than the moon, about a quarter to eleven o'clock. The best time to see the moon is 22.22 and if you want to see them both, keep an eye on the hour that follows, "says Robert Cumming.

How do you see blood and Mars better [19659018] Make sure you have a clear horizon to the southeast – overlooking the sea or the lake or standing on a hill.The darkest environment is best.

No binoculars n '. is necessary, but you have one so that you can see more details.It is not dangerous for the eyes.

The total phase takes place between 9:30 pm and 11:14 pm But the moon will already be partially obscured at 9:15 pm in Malmo (9:30 pm in Gothenburg) and until 1:30

The further south you are, the better you can see the phenomenon thanks to the darker night sky.The eclipse will be visible through the 39 Europe and Africa and in most of Asia and Australia

Want to experiment with d different shutter times. The brightness varies according to the amount of particles present in the Earth's atmosphere for the moment.

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