Trump calls the NFL manager: turn off the players for the season and pay after two kicks


In recent years, knee bends have been a potato in the professional league of the United States in American football. NFL players and clubs are uncomfortable and will continue to discuss sanctions. President Donald Trump still believes the league should be able to deliver something concrete. By Twitter, he sends his greetings to the "Commissioner of 40 Million".

Colin Kaepernick launched all year 2016 on his knees while the national anthem was being played to protest the injustice in the country.

In 2017, knee bends became more and more important when other players joined the protests. Trump enters the debate

In May, the NFL decided that clubs could punish players who kneel under the national anthem. He did not like the game box yet.

On Thursday, the league and NFLPA announced that the sanctioning process is still on the ice. Trump wrote a post on Twitter Friday night

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– That can not be true. The debate on the national anthem in the NFL is alive.

– The contract does not provide that players should get their hands on the heart, asks Trump

The problem is nevertheless that the contract of play contains no detail.

Roger Goodall is an NFL commissioner and his pay would be tens of millions of dollars a season

– The $ 40 million commissioner must now take a stand, shouts Trump.

  Roger Goodall follows an NFL-

The President also comes with incentives on sanctions that might be relevant.

– First knee curve: match penalty. Second turn to the knee: off and no pay for the season, Trumps greetings to the league.

The NFL season begins on September 6th.

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