Trump chooses Brett Kavanaugh as new judge


Donald Trump announced that he has appointed Brett Kavanaugh as the ninth judge to the Supreme Court. The announcement has been followed with a lot of interest in the United States and will be of political importance for a long time. The Supreme Court is the body that can explain the laws against the constitution.

The outgoing Conservative, 81-year-old Anthony Kennedy, is considered the mediator of the nine judges and has, on several occasions since taking office, been decisive. the voice when conservative and liberal judges disagreed. Among other things, the issue of marital marriages is allowed in all states, for which he voted in 2015.

Jobs for Bush

Brett Kavanaugh, 53, belongs to the Republican establishment and has worked at the White House when George W. Bush President

– I feel honored and proud, remarkably touched Brett Kavanaugh when he met the press after the announcement.

Before the announcement, President Donald Trump emphasized the moment of the moment.

– It was said that,

The Senate must approve

Brett Kavanaugh is currently employed by a court of appeal of the Capital District of Colombia and has already worked for Anthony Kennedy as well as President George W. Bush. He also worked for the special prosecutor Kenneth Starr who investigated President Bill Clinton.

The Senate will have to approve the appointment of Trump. The Republicans hope to have the new judge well before the middle of the November 6 elections, as there is a small risk that the party will lose a majority in the Senate.

– If the Senate approves of it, I will keep an open mind in each individual case. And I will strive to protect the United States Constitution and the legal certainty of the United States, "said Kavanaugh

. Shortly after the appointment, critics of democracy were waiting. Much of the illusion has been that the High Court, with a stronger conservative majority, can tear up the law of 1973, which made it legal with abortion across the United States , something that Donald Trump promised to work. [ad_2]
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