Trump: I did not know the Russian meeting – Pages


According to sources, Cohen is willing to confirm the statement that the President was aware of the meeting of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Mueller leads the so-called Russian investigation involving Russian influence on the US constituency movement in 2016, as well as possible links between Moscow and Donald Trump's election campaign.

President Donald Trump Junior said the father did not know the meeting. Even the president and several close associates have asked for the same thing. President Trump continues on the same track in a post on Twitter after CNN reports

"NO, I did not want to meet my son, Don Junior," he writes .

The Russians at the meeting, which took place at the Trump Tower in New York, would give valuable information on Hillary Clinton, Trump's opponents in the presidential election

Cohen declares that he and many others were present when Trump received information on the Russian offer. Approval at the meeting, according to sources.

Trump also comments that his diligent writings on Twitter will be reviewed in the context of the Russian investigation, as reported by The New York Times. He says it's "obvious" that Mueller and his investigators can not find any connection with Russia.

"The only connection between Russia and the Democrats is now, so now they are watching my tweets (with 53 million other people) – The faked witch hunt continues!" Twitter the president, referring to the 53 millions of followers that he has on his Twitter account.

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