Trump invites Putin to Washington this fall


A few days ago, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki

The US president invited Vladimir Putin to Washington.

US President Donald Trump invites Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington this fall.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary of the White House, writes on Twitter that Donald Trump has asked his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, to invite the Russian President

According to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, discussions are already under way. Vladimir Putin would have been invited to summon Vladimir Putin after the meeting of the two leaders at the Helsinki summit this week

Donald Trump was criticized by both Democrats and Republicans after the press conference held Monday at Helsinki with Trump and Putin.

US President was criticized for not putting Putin He responded to Russia's intervention in US elections in 2016 when he answered questions at the press conference.

Earlier this Thursday, Trump wrote to Twitter that his meeting with Putin had been successful. that we can start implementing some of the many things we have discussed, such as stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear energy. " wrote the President