Trump is "in agreement" with the protests – "the British like me"


Thursday, Donald and Melania Trump landed in Britain where they will spend the next few days. They went straight to the US Embassy at Regent's Park in central London.

However, he is far from all the British who welcome Trump's visit. Thousands of people are expected to protest in the coming days.

Read more: Major protests await Trump in London

Right now, a large police force has been sent to Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, where the presidential couple dines on Thursday night. According to the BBC, protesters have already gathered at the site and others are expected to join.

Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, came out Thursday afternoon and urged protesters to keep the protests peaceful.

– My message to those who come to the protests in London is that it must be peaceful. To those who intend to cause problems, I say: You are not welcome, says Sadiq Khan, according to Reuters.

Khan, belonging to the Labor Opposition Party, continued to say that the protests were not aimed at the United States, but reflected Londonborn's opposition to the policies pursued.

Additional police forces were put in place following the protests, writes the BBC and Trump will avoid places where major protests are expected to take place.

However, the president himself does not seem to put much emphasis on the protests. He claims to be "in agreement" with the protests and that he believes the British love him, writes the BBC.

– I think they like me a lot in Britain. I think they are in agreement with the migration.

During his four days in Britain, Trump will meet, among others, Theresa May and have tea with Queen Elizabeth.

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