Trump on the Khashoggi affair: The worst darkening of all time


In talks with reporters Tuesday at the White House, the US president clarified the tone of the Khashoggi case, reports the New York Times newspaper.

– They had a very bad layout. Someone really said, "said Trump – with" the "purpose of the Saudis who killed the Saudi journalist criticism.

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"I think anyone who came to this idea looks very bad, and it will be very bad outside," said the president.

At the same time, Donald stressed Trump that it intends to put an end to its final judgment on those responsible for Jamal Khashoggi's death to his US officials, including CIA President Gina Haspel, in the coming days. from Turkey.

Trump Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday that the United States was revoking visas received from Saudi men suspected of killing Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.

This measure is the first concrete step taken by the United States to punish Saudi Arabia. What Turkey calls the "programmed" and "brutal" murder of an editorialist attached to the Washington Post newspaper.

Pompeo also said that he is considering, together with the Treasury, further sanctions against those responsible for the death of Khashoggi.

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