Trump: Other countries should follow the example of Italy


Italy's intensified migration policy has won both rice and praise, but US President Donald Trump belongs to those who love the new leadership.

As part of a meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Trump praised the populist government's strong stance against immigration.

– I agree with what you do about immigration and illegal immigration, Trump said before the meeting at the White House on Monday.

Conte recently took office as prime minister in Italy and, together with Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the xenophobic party Lega – promised to deal with immigration to the country

Criticism of humanitarian organizations

The newly-admitted government wants to limit the number of migrants who reach the Italian coast and close the country's ports for humanitarian relief. This has been criticized by other EU countries and by aid organizations who claim that this worsens the refugee crisis that is unfolding around the Mediterranean.

The Italian government estimates that the country deals with an inordinate number of asylum seekers in the EU. According to Reuters, 650,000 refugees have reached Italian shores since 2014, and Italy wants several countries to share the burden.

In 2017, a controversial agreement with the Libyan Coast Guard was made so that migrants picked up in the Mediterranean are sent back to Libya.

"Should do the same"

During the press, Trump said that he thought that more countries in Europe should be after Italy.

– Many other countries should do the same. Some took this position a long time ago and it is better for them, he said.

During his meeting, Conte and Trump discussed, inter alia, an international conference on Libya aimed at stabilizing the political situation in the country. to do business.

– With this fruitful meeting, we have taken a step further in our cooperation. We are two change governments we unite so much, said Conte about the meeting, according to Italian media.

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