Trump poodle: "I have badly said"


Trump is currently holding a meeting on the reaction after the press conference with Putin

He says he was completely wrong at one place

– "Why would Russia be behind" would really be " why should not it be Russia that is behind, "he says.

US President Donald Trump is currently holding a meeting on the post-press press conference with Vladimir Putin.

Trump argues that Russia's shares have not affected the outcome of the US presidential election and that it accepts the conclusion of the US intelligence services on the Russian influence on the presidential election , Reuters reports.

He alluded to the press conference in Helsinki yesterday that he trusted and supports the US intelligence services.

Trump states that he said completely false at one place

– "Why is Russia late?" to be "why Russia would not be behind her," he says.

Congress Request for Hearing

Following the joint press conference with Putin, the US President received massive criticism of his home. Democrats and Republicans both raged against him and described the appearance of "treason", "shameful" and "embarrassing" that Aftonbladet could report yesterday.

Even Trump Fox News' friendly television channel criticized Trump. Today, Senate Minority Leader Democrat Chuck Schumer has asked Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo to be questioned by Congress on the Helsinki meeting.

The three titles of today Tuesday, July 17 00:29

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