Trump praises the migration policy of Italy – DN.SE


– I completely agree with what you claim about migration and illegal migration, "said Trump in Ovala, according to Reuters

Giuseppe Conte, representing a coalition government popal right, created the resurrection at the EU summit in June.

Storytelling sat quietly throughout the meeting until shortly before the dinner when he announced that his country would not accept any of those decided until the issue of migration was resolved in a manner that suited Italy.

Donald Trump did not take the top, but found Giuseppe Conte to be right in the issue of migration.

– He took a very firm stance at the border, position that little of Other countries have taken in. And I really think it's done very well, "said Trump at the meeting.

The two leaders have had a friendly attitude towards each other since the entry of Giuseppe Conte when Donald Trump argued that the new prime minister was a "very good guy ".

Empires the opinion that Russia should return to the G7 superpower group, as when Russia was a member of the G8, was backed by Conte. On Twitter, the Prime Minister wrote that the school year was "in the interest of all".

To find out more: EU Summit: Italy vetoed all decisions

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