Trump said "no" about Russia – Huckabee Sanders got out of bed


When the reporter asked if Russia was still trying to influence the United States, Donald Trump replied:

– Thank you very much, no!

A few hours later, the press secretary of the White House shouted. The visits did not unfold when Trump said that he was holding Putin "personally responsible".

The postponement of the press conference criticized by Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin after the Helsinki summit continues Monday.

Trump met Wednesday White House journalists. In the end he tried to finish Question Time

– Thanks, you all have it, I enjoyed it. Thank you, thank you very much.


Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at the meeting in Finland earlier this week.

A journalist then asks if Russia is still targeting US operations. On a video, Trump listens clearly to the question and looks at the journalist in his eyes before answering:

– Thank you very much no!

Finally, Trump replies:

– It is going very well for us with Russia, probably as well as it happened to someone else with Russia. No president has ever been as tough with Russia as me.

– Just look at the numbers, what we did, the sanctions, the ambassadors who are not there, which unfortunately happened in Syria recently. I think President Putin knows it better than anyone else, certainly better than the media.

Earlier this week, US National Intelligence Director Dan Coats called Russia "the most aggressive actor" in cyberattacks against the United States. ] – Today, the digital infrastructure that serves this country is literally attacked. Russia is continuing its efforts to undermine our democracy, Coats said, according to Huffington Post.

A few hours after Trump's statement to the White House, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders dived. At a press conference, she claimed that Trump had not responded "No" to the question of Russian influence.

– The President said "thank you very much" and said no to answer questions. The president and his government are working very hard to make sure that Russia can not influence our choices.

She then suggested that the Trump government does not deny that Russia continues to try to influence the United States

. to make sure that they can not do it again.

Several of the current journalists write on Twitter that it was clear that Trump said no to the journalist's specific question about Russia. Huffington Post also notes that the President continued to listen and expand his response, which contradicts Huckabee Sander's claim that he refused to ask more questions

at a press conference with Putin in Helsinki on Monday. intelligence service conclusion that Russia has tried to influence the presidential elections in 2016.

– President Putin says that it is not Russia. I do not see why that would be so, said Donald Trump.

The statement sparked strong criticism at home, of both Republicans and Democrats. The next day, Trump was forced to make a poodle. He said that he said fake and said that he "accepted" the conclusion of the Russian influence in the election.

Wednesday night, Swedish time, another round came when Trump was interviewed in CBS News. For program manager Jeff Glor, Trump repeatedly repeats the intelligence service

– Yes, and I have already said, Jeff. I have said it many times and I would say that (Russian influence in the election) is true, yes.

On the question of whether he personally holds Putin responsible for the Russian electoral influence, he responds:

– Well, I would, because he has the command of the country. Just as I consider myself responsible for what is happening in this country.

Donald Trump about Putin 00:28

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