Trump sends the US military to the Mexican border: "Nobody enters"


US President Donald Trump has set the tone against the caravan of migrants crossing Mexico against the US border. He has ordered more than 5,000 soldiers to maintain the limit and others are up to date. "Nobody is coming," Trump told the media on Wednesday.

The Pentagon has already begun sending 5,200 troops to the border and more are on the way, reports Daily Mail.

"We will increase the number of soldiers between 10,000 and 15,000, in addition to the border police, migration authorities and all the others already in place," said President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

– No one will come in. We will not allow it. If you look at what happened in Mexico two days ago, how lousy these people are, said Trump, who also has several serious intentions to withdraw his aid to El Salvador, in Honduras and Guatemala, countries in which a large part of migrants come from.

"To be honest, these countries do not do anything for the American people.

Two caravans with migrants are heading towards the US-Mexico border. The second caravan, composed of about 2,000 people, left Wednesday the capital of El Salvador, its capital. The first caravan of 4,000 people, mostly migrants from Honduras, planned to rest one day in the city of Juchitán, in southern Mexico. They have about a month left before reaching the border. The caravan officials, however, tried to force the Mexican authorities to transport migrants to the border by train.

Something that Donald Trump pointed out.

– They will come here quickly. They try to arrive by train. They are trying to get here by truck and bus. Then we will be ready.

Trump has developed his thoughts on migration issues.

"Immigration is a very serious and very dangerous issue – we will not let people who do not have the best of America in their minds," said Trump.

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