Trump supports threats against stone throwers


– The (soldiers) do not need to open fire. What I do not want is that these people throw stones. If they do, they will be seized for a long time, "Trump said.

The previous day, Donald Trump had said that migrants who wandered through the United States through American countries threw stones devastatingly against the Mexican police and military. While they were doing it against the US military, Trump said that soldiers should consider the stones as firearms and then act.

However, this statement has aroused strong criticism from human rights organizations. The Nigerian army on Friday used Trump's statements to defend the soldiers earlier this week in order to shoot the Chi-Muslim protesters.

About 2,000 migrants began trekking in northern El Salvador, the latest being that of thousands of people from Central America trying to reach the United States via Mexico. Many of them leave their country of origin to escape poverty and violence.

Donald Trump said earlier this week that up to 15,000 soldiers could be sent to the Mexican border to prevent migrants from entering the United States.

"It's a group of dangerous people," Trump said.

Facts: poverty and crime

Thousands of people have left Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in recent years. In addition to poverty, widespread violence and gang crime – the region is recording one of the most serious murders in the world – the main reasons for this leak.

For example, in Honduras, 68% live in poverty, according to statistics from the UN. Honduras is one of the most violent countries in the world. Much of the violence comes from gang violence and drug trafficking.

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