Trump thinks he's been very hard on Russia


President Donald Trump was heavily criticized after Putin's summit

Trump was able to hold an additional press conference where he explained, among other things, that he was wrong


On Twitter, Trump writes that no American president was as tough as Russia.

Donald Trump recently met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. At the next press conference, the two presidents answered questions

Following Trump's response to the press conference, he received strong criticism at home, from both Republicans and Democrats. The president was called "traitor" and various politicians and experts used words like "shameful", "embarrassing" and "tragic".

Even Fox Critical

David Gergen, former advisor to President Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton described the press conference as embarrassing.

– I have never heard an American president say so, he said.

Even Fox News employees were generally critical. 19659005] The criticism was that Trump was keeping most of Putin and that he was not answering if he had more confidence in his own intelligence than for President Putin.

1 of 2 | Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / TT / NTB Scanpix

"His Bad"

The Russian President also said at the press conference that he wanted Trump to win the elections in 2016.

Trump has questioned the reason for Russia in the election. A statement that he later withdrew with the explanation that he was wrong.

In a series of satirical drawings, one could see Trump in Putin's group.

"They definitely do not want Trump!"

different from the American president. In a tweet, he writes that he is worried that Russia is trying to enter.

Trump believes that the Russians will try to get the Democrats to win the elections because no former president has ever been as hard as Russia has Trump himself to

" They will certainly not want Trump! ", Writes the president.

Trump was in Kansas City today where he was giving a speech for veterans

Donald Trump thinks of Putin 00: 28