Trump to May: EU Match – World


At the joint press conference of Theresa Mays and Donald Trump last Friday, the US President told him that he had given May a proposal for negotiations on the brexite, which She had rejected it as too "brutal". In an interview with the BBC, Theresa May now tells what Trump has suggested

He told me to sue the EU – do not go into negotiations.

Something can not fall. But she is also clear about her views on the ongoing preparations for the exit of the EU.

"My message to the country this weekend is simple: we must focus on the positives that lie ahead, otherwise we risk," writes May on Facebook

The statement will be seen in the light of the turbulence of the Last week that shook the British regime Donald Trump agreed to complete his strategy for the UK EU exit in an interview with The Sun newspaper for the meeting. Interior, since two key members of his cabinet, Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and British Prime Minister David Davis, have left the government to protest against the Prime Minister's "soft" line vis-à-vis the government. Britain will leave the Union on 29 March 2019. On Thursday, the London government presented its exit plan – a list of the most awaited measures to stop free movement and a new customs union with the EU. the EU when Britain will leave the customs union. the parliamentary debates of the next days, the disagreement within the conservative party of MAY Tory could surface. According to the Reuters news agency, Brexit supporters are expected to debate customs legislation on Monday to persuade May to refine the government's exit plan, while EU-backed deputies would consider trade Thursday as a source of revenue to strengthen their ties with the Union. unanimity

Can now call for unity and promises to fight for what she calls "the national interest" British.

"Negotiations with the EU will not be easy for Brussels – I do not intend to be simple. As President Trump said, "I am a tough negotiator," she writes in Facebook's post

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