Trump trusts Putin more than his own intelligence service


HELSINKI. Donald Trump believes in Vladimir Putin when he says that Russia did not intervene in the US elections

He announced at a press conference

– President Putin says that this is not the case. is not Russia. I see no reason for this to happen, "said Donald Trump.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin became more than 1.5 seconds at the press conference scheduled at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. and the cameramen had to wait in the hall for nearly two hours, the two world leaders spoke in the Gothic hall of the castle and had lunch in the mirror room of the castle

1 of 10 | Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / TT / NTB Scanpix

Finally, the entire press force was released in the room where the press conference was to be held, a gilded hall with pillars and two large crystal chandeliers on the ceiling, when the two presidents finally entered. in the hall of the presidential palace, they first dedicated themselves to the homage – of each other.

– I am sure we will see a lot in the future and will solve all the problems which we discussed today, "said Donald Trump of the press conference.

According to Trump, they also discussed the suspicions of the 12 Russians accused of blending

– I raised the question of Russian interference in the elections and I talked about it at length [19659004] But who really trusts Donald Trump – the Russian president or the president of Russia? his own intelligence service?

This question asked one of the American journalists and Donald Trump did not want to give a direct answer to this question. Instead, he asks rhetorical questions – why not the FBI took the servers and where they existed.

– President Putin says that it is not Russia. I do not see why that would be so, says Donald Trump.

1 of 3 | Photo: Johanna Rapp

Questions about compromising information

Putin asks if he has a hit on Donald Trump or his family – a question that attracts laughter to the crowd while Donald Trump shakes the head and draw his mouth. The question is aimed at the alleged material that was filmed in a hotel room in Russia, where Donald Trump would have been with prostitutes before becoming president. Putin replies that he and Trump did not know each other when the incident took place.

– I heard the reputation we would have of material when he was in Russia, saying that Putin and Trump replied:

– if they had If that had been the case, that would have been the case a long time ago

Vladimir Putin says that there is no evidence of Russian inscription and says that he is not familiar with all the backgrounds but that he will know more about the situation. 19659004] – We will be guided by the facts. Can you record facts proving your involvement? Putin said at the press conference

Strong responses at the meeting

The reactions to Donald Trump's rankings did not allow us to wait, even in Trump's own team, for critical voices have been raised. Among other things, Republican and Senator Jeff Flake twisted that he thought Trump's statements were ashamed:

– I would have never thought of seeing the day when an American President would run with the President Russian and blame the United States for the Russian aggression. It's shameful, writes Flake on Twitter

Earlier in the day, Twittrade's Donald Trump said that the relationship between the US and Russia has never been worse than what's happened. she is today. However, according to the US president, this has changed now.

– Our relationship has never been worse – until four hours ago, Trump said


Donald Trump about Putin 00:28

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