Trump urges the EU to work for zero tariffs


The EU has much higher and higher rights than the United States. President Trump has introduced and threatened to introduce higher tariffs to protest the US's worse trade situation. Faced with threats, the EU has awakened and promises to review its own homework, which is a victory for trump and global trade.

The Swedish media have a lot of trouble explaining what happened when the highest EU representative met Donald Trump at the White House. during the week. This is because of the false news that Trump is the worst in terms of tariffs that hinder free trade.

The correct picture that Samtiden previously reported is that the EU has substantially higher tariffs than the United States.

Former US presidents have not protested against this, but have allowed US companies to compete in bad conditions. However, the current president does not accept the situation. That is why Trump has introduced new tariffs on steel and threatened to introduce more rights. Everything has been done to balance the obligations of the United States and other countries

At Wednesday's summit between President Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, it was agreed that zero customs tariff, trade barriers and subsidies, reports Guaridan .

Negotiations on lower tariffs and other barriers to trade in industrial goods and services will begin. There are no conditions for the negotiations to be preceded by the withdrawal of the current functions, "said a representative of the EU to Belgium Euroactive . resolved, it will be a "good signal" to reduce the tension in the trading zone, otherwise the EU will maintain its countermeasures.

This message contradicts the declaration of the Commissioner of Commerce, Cecilia Malmström, according to which the EU does not negotiate the threats, writes Euroaktiv Malmström appears as a light weight to the European Commission

Although Trump does not remove any tariffs before the beginning of the negotiations , Mr Juncker proposed to revise the current EU tariffs, including 10% tariffs.

The EU also promises to market US goods for billions ranging from gas Soybeans.

It was also agreed to work on reforms of international customs systems, the WTO, to stop the theft of intellectual property (copyright, patent, piracy) Forbes .

– So we had a good day, President Trump told the White House, with Juncker on his side proclaiming a good day. "New phase" for relations between the United States and the EU

– We agreed today, first of all, to work together against zero tariffs, zero quotas and zero subsidy, said Trump. that there will be no escalation of tasks now and no new tasks will be introduced. No detail is clear, but the focus has been fixed.

– To the extent that they agreed to speak of a common approach to China's action in the field of trade, this is important. Seeing the US and the EU making joint statements at the WTO would be positive and what we have not seen for a while, says Bart Oosterveld at Washington's Washington Council.

This is only a first step, but the EU's recognition that you are applying a large amount of restrictions to free trade in the United States is a good sign . The media picture about the United States as above in the drama is false.

Everything happens because it is President Trump's trade war threat that has made the EU think. Thus, Trump's tactics have been successful not only for the United States but for world trade.

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