Trump: We will work to reduce tariffs


– It was a big, very big day, said Donald Trump at the press conference in the White House Garden after the meeting between him and the EU president, Jean- Claude Juncker Wednesday evening

We have agreed to work together against reduced tariffs on industrial products and fewer subsidies.

– Today, we have agreed to work together against zero and zero tariffs on industrial products, Trump said at the press conference.

And while the negotiations are in progress, both parties will abstain from additional customs duties, announced Jean-Claude Juncker.

According to the agreement, the EU will also begin to import more soybeans and natural gas from the United States, and work on the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will intensified.

Donald Trump promises at the same time that the issue of tariffs for steel and aluminum will be "resolved".

Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström was at the meeting. She twisted Wednesday night that it was agreed to facilitate trade between the United States and the EU.

according to Cecilia Malmström would fight harshly against Volvo and Scania companies as well as against the European and American car industry.

Read more: Donald Trump meets the EU "enemy"

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