Trump would excuse criticism


US President praised British leader Theresa May at Friday press conference in London

Donald Trump said he had not criticized in the interview published in the morning. He said the newspaper, The Sun, had omitted the positive reviews that he had dropped in May and called the interview cowardly.

Trump said that he would have apologized for the interview

– But she said to me: Do not worry.

– I think it was very professional, Trump said in the rosary garden at Summer Vacancy Checkers Prime Minister.

In the Sun interview, Trump said that Theresa May 's proposal for Brexit The British have long maintained close trade ties with the EU, which makes it very difficult to conclude. a bilateral agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom

– if they meet such an agreement with the EU, they probably reach an agreement with us. And,

– I told her how to do with Brexit, but she did not listen.

During the afternoon meeting with reporters said that the US leader wanted instead to have a trade deal with the British.

He admitted to giving Theresa May advice on how to negotiate with the EU (he also claimed to have predicted Brexit).

– Many advise me on how to negotiate with the EU.

– But my job is to do it.

Asked about the critical attitude in The Sun interview, Donald Trump repeatedly pointed out that he had great respect for her.

19659003] – I had breakfast, lunch and dinner with May, and I learned it better. She is a wonderful woman.

"Smart, capable and a tough negotiator" were other critics that he used.

Can then tinted in the newspaper interview.

– We agreed today that when Britain said that her plan Brexit offered what the British had voted.

At the heart of the discussion of Brexit and the new US foreign policy, the issue of immigration is the issue of immigration.

Donald Trump said that immigration had been bad for Europe and was aimed, among other things, at the terrorist attacks that took place.

Theresa May said that Britain has a proud history of receiving people fleeing persecution and contributing to British society.

Monday, Trump meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

On relations between the West and Russia, the US president said, among other things, that Moscow had never invaded Crimea if Trump had been president

– We will see what happens in Crimea. And if I knew I would not say it, he said:

– It's important that Trump enters the Putin meeting from a strengthened NATO stance, said May [19659025]. [ad_2]
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