Trumps electoral film on illegal immigrants arrested in the United States


USA Previously, CNN, NBC and other major networks refused to show it. Now, Fox News – the largest news channel in the US – also stops President Donald Trump's latest campaign against illegal immigration, reports Breitbart.

In the face of the mid-term elections in the United States that took place this year on November 6, the political temperature has warmed up properly. The latest is a remarkable advertisement by Donald Trump on illegal immigrants. NBC and Fox announced Monday that they would stop showing Trump's promotional film. In the film, Luis Bracamontes is with an illegal immigrant who has been deported twice and found guilty of murdering two police officers in California.

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In the past, CNN had refused to show the film the following reasoning: "obviously racist".

Stephen Collinson, CNN's political reporter, writes in a column that the Trump campaign film is a campaign campaign for the 30-year-old race and ethnicity.

"Trump's campaign film is the latest example of the president's willingness to lie and spread fear, with the aim of focusing on ethnic and social crimes in society." "Embracing demagogues to strengthen their political power and Republican campaign on the Middle Ages, "writes Collinson.

Donald Trump responded quickly to Twitter:

Hollywood Reporter writes that the film is racist because it "connects Central American migrants in search of asylum and a single man convicted of murdering two police officers". The Trumps films are also compared to Willie Horton's classic film that George HW Bush successfully used to defeat Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election.

Facebook also announced that it was acting against the Trump movie. It can be shared but can not be broadcast as a sponsored video. According to Facebook's spokesperson, the video violates Facebook's sensationalist rules.

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