Trump's explanation after the chaos meeting: "I said badly"


Trump held a meeting on reactions after the press conference yesterday with Putin.

The president said that he was totally wrong in the same place.

– "Why would Russia be" really "why?"

US President Donald Trump held a meeting on the reaction after the press conference with Vladimir Putin last night.

Trump argued that Russia 's shares had no effect on the outcome of the US presidential election and that it had agreed to the conclusion of the US intelligence services on the Russian influence on the US. Presidential election, reports Reuters.

What he suggested yesterday at the press conference in Helsinki, is that he trusts and supports the US intelligence services. [19659004] Trump said that he then reviewed the printouts of the press conference.He stated that he had then discovered that he had said completely wrong to a place. when he was going to explain the charges against the 12 Russian pirates.

– "Why would Russia be behind "would be really" why Russia should not be behind it? ", he said. At the press conference yesterday, on the one hand, the intelligence service came with an explanation and Putin came up with "a very strong denial". Trump then told all the media that he did not know who he would believe.

With the explanation of today that he said wrong, he now believes that he has full confidence in his intelligence.

Congressional Request for Hearing

After the joint press conference with Putin, the US President received massive criticism. Democrats and Republicans both raged against him and described the appearance of "treason", "shameful" and "embarrassing" that Aftonbladet could report yesterday.

Even Trump Fox News' friendly television channel criticized Trump.

Today, Senate Minority Leader Democrats Chuck Schumer has called for Foreign Affairs Minister Mike Pompeo to be questioned by Congress on the Helsinki meeting.

The three titles of today Tuesday, July 17 00:29

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