Trumps face Pierre when Macron hits him


On Saturday, French President Emmanuel Macron met with his American counterpart in Paris to pay attention to the centenary of the end of the First World War.

While they were sitting in the armchairs of the famous Palais Elysees, world leaders seemed to be doing their best to stay to my advantage. Despite its disagreements on free trade, climate change and the Iranian issue.

Deceived his friendship – then came the shutter

Then Emmanuel Macron called Donald Trump for his "good friend" – and hit him on his lap.

Donald Trump was motionless, his V-shaped fingers and a consistent facial expression.

The fact that a pat on the knee can be interpreted other than as friendly can be explained by the strange physical interactions that the presidents had had before, which the AP news agency noted.

The handshake that showed knees at Natomot last year.


Trump brushes the "dandruff" of Macron's shoulders

Partly the famous handshake at the NATO meeting last year. With the conflicts, the presidents shook hands so hard that the knots witnessed them.

Macron confirmed during an interview with the French newspaper Dimanche that the handshake was not innocent.

"It was the moment of truth," said the French president.

Partly during Macron's visit to Washington in April. When Donald Trump and Macron held a press conference, he wiped out what he called "dandruff" from the shoulders of the French president.

"A playful act, certainly, but at the same time a clear mark on Trump's side.He is the strongest gorilla in the hall, he's the silver back," writes in a column from Mats Larsson's Express.

The presidents are kissed when Macron visits Washington in April. During the visit, Donald Trump brushed the "dandruff" of Macron's shoulders.


Donald Trumps tweeted before the meeting

Saturday's meeting could also have been a better start.

In an interview with Europe 1, Macron had proposed a joint European defense force to protect the EU's borders from Russian threats.

Trumps replied with a twittra: "Very insulting, Europe could perhaps start paying its legitimate share of NATO, which the United States subsidizes".

It was just when the tweet was talking like Emmanuel Macron, Trump hurt his friendship and hugged him on his lap.

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