Trump's Threat to Iran Raises Concerns


Donald Trump plays against Iran is a signal of the deterioration of diplomatic relations between the two countries. A diplomatic language trainer left the Department of Foreign Affairs under Trump, while rhetoric between Iran and the United States was strengthened.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo harshly criticized the Iranian government this week, compared with the Mafia affair. Pompeo also presented a new US media offensive in Iran, where critical messages about the regime are broadcast on Farsi, which will reach television, radio and social media.

It is difficult to judge Trump's threat to Iran. Trump's goal may be to temporarily try to divert attention from other issues, such as postponing his trip to Europe and meeting with Vladimir Putin, as well as the trial of the 39; former Trump campaign director, Paul Manafort

] produced a potential war against Iran as a means of promoting the president's position at home. When Obama was president, Trump said four times that Obama could invade Iran to improve his chances of being reelected president.

Trump's spontaneous comments on foreign policy are often contradictory. His verbal attack on Kim Jong-un, in North Korea, was followed by a much softer tone during a meeting between the countries

– If that were to be another president, one would Would expect that they would be locked in a cell mattress. But here is Trump, so it's an ordinary day, says Max Boot, conservative foreign policy analyst, at CNN

According to Trita Parsi, who runs an Iran-US think tank in Washington, there is a significant difference between Trump's threats. rhetoric towards North Korea and Iran. According to Parsi, US allies in the region are not as interested in diplomatic solutions

– It's a dangerous moment with dangerous players, Parsi told the American NPR.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acclaimed Trump's comments as a "strong position", while the German Foreign Ministry called for overcoming the conflict.

Democrats in the US Congress introduced a bill that prevents a president from launching a nuclear war without congressional approval. [ad_2]
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