Turkish police search for Khashoggi remains in a forest outside of Istanbul


It is still unclear what conclusions Turkish and Saudi investigators found in their work at the Saudi consulate and residence. It is clear that the investigators took a large number of samples and other materials, samples that will be compared to Khashoggi's DNA, writes Reuters.

Posted on Thursday evening According to information received at the Reuters news agency, Turkish police began searching for Khashoggi's body in a forest on the outskirts of Istanbul, as well as in a town near Lake Marmara.

The search has expanded since the cars we saw were leaving the consulate and the residence was followed, writes Reuters.

According to US According to the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ABC News, quoted by the Turkish government, the alleged account of the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi during his trip to Turkey. Pompeo will also have an impression of the recording.

Khashoggi has not been seen since October 2, when he entered the consulate of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has so far denied that Khashoggi was killed.

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