TV: Wild Hero for Hammarby


Hammarby played the away match with Elfsborg at Borås Arena with three straight wins, the last 2-1 defeat of Östersund at Tele2 Arena. In the first half, the team saw its downward trend, but eventually it became a new point of goal for the Stockholm team all over Sweden.

Hammarby started the game at a brisk pace and took the advantage. From left to right, Neto Borges surprised the left-foot shot, but he watched goalkeeper Kevin Stuhr Ellegaard score a nice parade between the two posts. It was not his last rescue tonight.

Hammarby continued to advance, where Jiloan Hamad was often hot on the left side and entered the penalty area but had no luck in the first half. Otur also had experienced midfielder Elfsborg Stefan Ishizaki who, after 25 minutes, had to be injured after a foul with Borges.

– A good football game with two game teams. They have intensified since the spring, which is noticeable, but it's still a picture of the game we were waiting for. We lacked sharpness in the last third. We came to the right and attacked, but we need more concentration, Hamad told C Plus at halftime.

In the second half, both teams were called to create dangerous scoring opportunities. Jesper Karlsson pushed Johan Wiland into a stop after the shot from the outside, while Nikola Djurdjic was close to giving Hammarby the advantage away from the crowd, well coached by Muamer Tankovic, who received the ball after a disappearance of Rami Kaib in his half.

Elfsborg, on the other hand, was still not harmless. The team finished well at the end of the second half and was close to a goal in the lead when Viktor Prodell missed his goal, but he watched Wiland finish well and finish the finish . Subsequently, Hammarby and Djurdjic fought another hot goal, but burned the situation.

The end of the match was still singing. Elfsborg was given a penalty after 88 minutes when Daniel Gustavsson was overtaken by the penalty, but saw Wiland save Issam Jebal's penalty and became a superhero for the visiting team.

– I did a punishment and I was lucky to go right, says Johan Wiland to C More.

– I had the impression of being in a small stream and then he had the penalty. However, I did not care and since I went straight, there is a little flow, but I have not saved a punishment for a long time, so it would be good, he continues.

Hamad scored the ribbon after the free kick, but scored a point tonight against Elfsborg at Borås Arena. Hammarby thus left the plan for the fourth game without a win in allsvenskan and thus ranks second in all Swedes, three points behind AIK in series management, but with a less played match. Elfsborg is also ranked 11th in the series.

– He was bending back and forth and it was difficult to keep concentration in the heat. We had the best chance of winning the match and moved in earlier, Wiland says.

– It is clear that it is an important point. We lost the last game, but we are better 90 minutes today. It was an important point to take with us, he continues.

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Elfsborg: Ellegaard – Dyer, Dresevian, Nilsson, Kaib – Ishizaki, Olsson, Holmen, Gojani, Karlsson – Jebali.

Hammarby: Wiland – Solheim, Fenger, Fällman, Borges – Junior, Tankovic, Andersen – Khalili, Djurdjic, Hamad.

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