TV3 responds to critics of the Swedish fathers of Hollywood



The public raged against TV3 after the program "Swedish Hollywood Frogs" last week.

Tonight, the infected sound continues – and TV3 was forced to watch the episode again.

"We really took care of the most serious criticism," said Susanne Nylén, press officer for "Svenska Hollywoodfruar".

A criticism against TV3 broke out the episode of "Swedish Hollywood Frogs" last week.

The program went Anna Anka to a verbal attack against Elena Belle. Duck also called Elena Belle for "hora". Angry viewers wondered how the drama could be broadcast.

On the program of the evening, the infected noise continues. Anna Anka has opinions on how press photography should be carried out and also divides sharp choices against Elena Belle Sofie Prydz. Duck throws his hair and puts a hand on his hip so that the elbow hides Sofie Prydz.

"Why do you think you have to cover me?", Asks Sofie Prydz to the program.

– Have you had what I have to do? Do you want to shut up or you can go down, says Anna Anka.

TV3: "An infected mood"

Susanne Nylén, press chief of the Nordic Entertainment Group where TV3 is included, is fighting in the program for television brides to work together during photography.

"It was an infected mood and it was probably pretty hard for everyone involved that day.Success to make the photograph was a challenge, but it ended," she said when Nöjesbladet told him phoned.

TV3 took advantage of last week's reviews to review the end of the season.

"We really took the critics seriously, so we looked at the party section with new glasses.

In what?

– Looking at whether it's in the context of what we can show, but whether we have made changes or not, nothing is commenting.

Does this mean that what the conflict showed tonight was really longer from the beginning?

"It's a part that does not come, but nothing essential that makes the difference with the content itself.

She points out that Hollywood frogs had watched the programs before being screened by reporters or broadcast on television.

– They have not expressed any wish that something be cut.

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From "Svenska Hollywoodfruar".

Do Hollywood fathers require that they be in some way? Anna Anka, for example, also, the one that counts the most in the pot.

– No claims are made on them. We've already discussed what's going on in their lives and what could be part of the program, but everything that happened in last week's episode and in the evening's section was all were surprised. Nobody expected to do, "said Susanne Nylén.

Duck: "Strong as Muhammad Ali"

Several celebrities later went on to hilariously attack Anna Anka on social media. Then she chose to apologize to Hollywood women and the Swedish television audience in an open letter.

Hollywood fans have been offered calls and assistance for TV3.

"We maintain an ongoing dialogue with all wives and support them in the way that the situation demands and needs them, and my experience and hope is that they get the support they need," he said. Susanne Nylén.

Anna Anka herself believes that the chaos of last week has begun to subside. The expectations are at the top for the program of the evening.

"I feel strong like Muhammad Ali, I dance like a butterfly and can eventually hook up like a bee," she writes in an email to Nöjesbladet.

"Svenska Hollywoodfruar" airs tonight at 21:00 on TV3 and Viafree.

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