TV4 Frida Nordstrand sexually harassed in broadcasting


On several occasions during the World Cup, women journalists were attacked during their work.

SportExpressen has already written about Swedish and international journalists who have been sexually bombarded by male fans. TV4 profiles Frida Nordstrand and Olof Lundh played down the quarter-finals in Russia when an English supporter suddenly appeared in the live broadcast.

The man turned to Nordstrand and shouted coarse sexist words against her.

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Frida Nordstrand: "It's sad"

TV4 reporter, Frida Nordstrand, is angry and unexpected, and she refuses to let the incident affect her work.

– It is certainly unacceptable and sad Hands, but idiots are everywhere and I am absolutely not offended by idiots. In the name of honesty, it does not bother me at all. Not at all, says Nordstrand, and continues:

– I've already said, in the case of Jimmy Durmaz's hopes, with opinions on female commentators and so on … that we should not let them win.

"More Necessary to Break Me"

Shortly after the event, affectionate comments were entered into Frida Nordstrands social media.

– The beauty of such situations is how people stand up for one. It's barely been a quarter and my social media is flooded with support.

– Needless to say, much more than that, to disturb or break me. But I'm delighted that there are so many nice people out there that back up when needed. Hate never wins, says Frida Nordstrand.

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What an idiot? "

TV4 reporter Olof Lundh, who stood next to Frida Nordstrand, reacted instinctively during the broadcast

– What an idiot, he should be punished in one way or another. another, but we should take it late A short time later, SportExpressen Lundh, who developed his thoughts

– You have to react I could not hold up when you're online, this is not the case is not a fan wise.I think it is important to mark, if not to normalize, says Olof Lundh, and continues:

– I hope that men can have a state of affairs. mind because it's not a problem in English.There is a male problem everywhere.Then, as a man, I have the obligation to react.I do not think whether it is correct.

Jeanette Gustafsdotter, CEO of Publishers, tells Expressen about the violations:

– This is totally unacceptable.Women journalists need to be able to do their job without harassing regardless of gender. I hope for the strength of the football federation, football fans and the judiciary, she continues, continuing:

– Now everyone must act, otherwise the risk of losing women in the profession is high. A total of 36% said in a survey last year that they plan to leave the profession when they investigate threats and harassment against women journalists.

Patrik Hadenius, CEO of Publishing Publishers, responded to the harassment and told Expressen:

– I am very serious about the harassment of Frida Nordstrand in this manner. This is unacceptable behavior, which unfortunately seems to increase and hit the live reporters.

It continues:

– It is always good to note that we can see how much a journalist can have at work and what #metoo has taught us that many women are constantly allowed to live says Patrik Hadenius.

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