Twister Bi changes direction | Travronden


Twister Bi, born in Italy, began his two-year career with Massimo Finetti and arrived at Jerry Riordan's training in the fall of 2015. The coach of Halmstad Twister Bi has makes a phenomenal trip to the absolute world summit. Sulkysport said Tuesday that the Italian owner of the horse has chosen to move the horse to a new direction.
– I was called by the owner on Monday. Twister Bi is a wonderful horse that I would not want to meet with any of my horses when he's up, says Jerry Riordan at the magazine.

Twister Bi was the best four year old in Sweden, but few could have anticipated the tremendous development that he showed last year. The stallion entered the world's elite with thunder and broke and brought back large breed sows with Christoffer Eriksson. After victories at the Oslo Grand Prix, Seinäjoki Race and Ulf Thoresen Grand International and palettes in Hugo Åberg's Jubilee Cup and the Masters Trot final, he won Yonkers' victory with his victory in the World Cup. World over 800 meters. 1.10.7a / 2.011 meters. During the year he obtained a total of 9 895 533 crowns

. This year, however, the six-year-old did not understand. In January, there was no planned departure in the Prix de l'Amérique because of lung problems and the return to Gävle in May, he was only mistaken in the US. one of four starts. In Ulf Thoresen Grand International on Jarlsberg on Sunday, he became five after starting gallop and heads for the road.

Now the Italian owner chooses to move the horse and the new coach becomes Timo Nurmos according to Sulkysport.

Travronden is looking for Jerry Riordan and Timo Nurmos.

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