Two additional beta sessions for Fallout 76 on Xbox One


Early this Wednesday, the first beta test of Fallout 76 was run (so far, only the Xbox One, PC and Playstation 4 start the beta in a few days), and Bethesda now announces via twitter during the weekend there will be another four hours of play.

The first session starts at 23:00 on Saturdays and at 01:00 (two hours), then another test is done on Sunday from 13:00 to 15:00. In addition, they write that "More sessions have extended hours" there will be more play.

We played the game and filming the fun, you can check our gameplay clips below. We were also welcomed in Bethesda and played, as well as a snack with the developers, and you can read it in our freshness.

Will you participate in the Fallout 76 beta test?

Fallout 76

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