Two deaths in Nicaragua – Ortega's men at peace – News


President Daniel Ortega and his followers followed on Friday between the capital Managua and the opposition headquarters in Masaya, 30 kilometers to the south. The reason was to celebrate the events of 1979 called "retreat" when thousands of guerrilla soldiers withdrew to Masaya to regroup and then overthrow the dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle. Ortega, a former guerrilla leader, then participated

Two people were killed, a police and a person from a local human rights organization when government forces opened fire in Masaya, Oretga and his followers left Managua

Already in Masaya, he accused the opposition of spreading "hatred and poison" and called for peace.

Earlier in the day, the opposition announced a 24-hour general strike. And according to the opposition, it was followed 90% in the country, while the government media did business as usual in several business districts.

I work because I have to, but the strike is a weapon to put pressure on the government. In conclusion of this situation, said Adolfo Diaz, all the inhabitants of Huembes market, in the east of Managua, a noisy place with about 4500 companies.

Three months of violence

The strike comes after three bloody months. 270 people were killed when critical demonstrations by the government met with violent resistance. Initially, the protests were aimed at changing the country's pension system, but the protesters are now asking President Daniel Ortega to leave, as they accuse him, and his wife, vice president of Rosario Murillo, for the first time. try to turn the country into a dictatorship. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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