Two notifications after Färjestad overtaking


Färjestads Per Åslund had already broken the match against Brynäs midway through the first period. Jesper Jensen shared a hard tackle on the side and received a two-minute penalty for charging.

But many of C Mores' experts, including Petter Rönnqvist, thought that Jensen was cheap and wondered that he would be warned Jensen eventually – and that's what became of him. On Sunday, the SHL Disciplinary Board confirmed that the Brynelpillar had been reported.

"Jensen had the opportunity to avoid"

"At nine minutes of the first half of Saturday's match between Brynäs and Färjestad, the guests advanced into the offensive zone, Pucken landed at Per Åslund, which came in. In this respect, Brynäs Jesper was thrown off the pitch and handed him a violent tackle at Åslund Farjestadsspeleren was in a postponed position after finishing a finish and Jensen had the opportunity to avoid or reduce the power of the tackle. got out of the match after the situation, " Is it possible to read on the SHL website.

Rydahl reported for tackle in the head

But Färjestad also reported a player. Gustav Rydahl met Johan Alcén with a tackle in his head. Here's how the Discipline Council writes about the offense:

"Johan Alcén, of the home team, placed the puck outside the draw circle in the middle of the second half of Saturday's match between Brynäs and Färjestad." Brynasspelaren put the puck in front the goal and was then attacked by Gustav Rydahl The player arrived with his arms raised and an upward movement in the tackle that hit the head. "

A message stating if the players are stopped or they should not arrive Sunday afternoon.

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