Two people found unconscious near Salisbury in England


Among other things, CNN and British Telegraph report the incident that causes concern and a series of interrogation points.

The couple was found unconscious Saturday in Amesbury, 13 kilometers north of Salisbury. Until now, the authorities have chosen to describe him as "exposed to an unknown substance".

Initially, they were suspected of taking overdoses of cocaine or heroin but the antidote Some effects now receive another form of care. There is currently extensive testing to try to find out what he can do.

For example, Sky News is fighting both unconscious for his life.

– We must look at what this may be about, a Wiltshire police spokesman told CNN:

Police will investigate several places that the couple visited before 39, they will become unconscious, they will also be stranded as part of the precautionary measures taken now for

but survived . British authorities hold Russia responsible for the assassination. However, it was made clear that it was the novice Novice. 19659002 The text is being updated.

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