Ubisoft Massive Manager: politics in games is bad for the company


"We can not be politically open in our games." The statement comes from Ubisoft Massive's operational director Alf Condelius, who is on a panel at the Swedish game conference this year. "It's bad for the company," he continues.

Periodically, the industry is both hailed and criticized for its interference in contemporary political issues. Some argue that the game should be a free zone, and attempts to address current political issues are both counterproductive and insulting to players. Others mean that everything is political and that games must obviously reflect the ongoing discussion. More recently, the series of hot issues is about inclusion and representation, a topic that addresses controversies and feelings in both the community of players and in society in general.
But at Massive, you do not want to mix things up in their entertainment.

Gamesindustry also reports that the studio is creating Division 2, do not want to take a position:
"Take The division for example, "continues Condelius." It's a dystopian future and there are many interpretations that could bring the community to something. This is not – it's a fantasy. It's a world and a world that we have created to allow you to explore what it means to be a good person in an endangered world. But people like to do politics in this area and we take so many things that we can move away from these interpretations because we do not want to take a position on contemporary political issues. "

"Unfortunately, too bad for the company if you want the truth.But it's interesting and there is a discussion with us, and it's clearly an ongoing discussion with our users because people want to interpret the universe that we have created and see their own reality in the fantasies we give them and the stories the game is. "

Even the highest female Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, is opposed to this position. Earlier this year, he said that Ubisoft's games were certainly political, but neutral, and it was incumbent on players to listen to differing opinions and differing opinions.

The Sweden Game Conference is currently underway in Skövde and this year's theme is "Games and politics: reflections on power, play and changing perspectives"

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