Uje Brandelius pays for the love – live broadcast


Dr. Kosmos singer praised his childhood, career and life after diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Uje Brandelius chose to end the live broadcast with a friend of Therese Hörnqvist.

– Therese, I know you're listening to that. Do you want to marry me? I know it's grumpy to release the radio, but I can not bother. And I know I'll need a lot more than you'll need me, but can you still think about it? ", Says Uje at the end of his summer career.

SR ekot quickly updated the answer to his Twitter.

" She said yes! "

https: / /twitter.com/sr_ekot/status/1018504673337266177

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The Strange Message

In February 2016, the message: Uje Brandelius suffered from Parkinson's disease

Uje Brandelius was known as Dr. Kosmos in the 1990s. Previously, he was press secretary for the leftist party and published children's books, and lately the musician has been touring with the musical performance "Spring Uje, Jump!" – An Idea of ​​Life with Parkinson's Disease

It is with dismay that you learned that he had fallen ill at such a young age.

As he he says himself:

"The best known is that because I have Parkinson's disease, that's why I get the summer rate. I have a so-called moving story. "


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