Unabombaren explosion letter puts terror in the United States – News


Unabomb Theodore Kaczynski was sentenced to four life sentences in 1998. He had been bombed for less than 17 years to protest against modern technology. His terrorist campaign killed three people and injured twenty others.

The pursuit of the author was one of the largest of the American police through the ages. A total of 16 bombings were committed between 1978 and 1995. The name Unabombar comes from the abbreviation used by the FBI for Kaczynski because his victim was originally employees of universities and airlines.

Named by the brother

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In the lawsuit against Theodore Kaczynski, an abbot, his plywood shield was transported from Montana to Sacramento, California. The defense is served as evidence of the alleged member of a mental disorder. Stock Photography.

The fact that the former mathematician and university professor could possibly be arrested in 1996 is due to the Washington Post and the New York Times who agreed to publish a manifesto condemning technology and modern development. His brother read the text and recognized not only thoughts, but also formulations and spelling mistakes from Theodore Kaszynski's long letter.

The brother informed the police who had found Kaszynski in a hiding place in the mountains of the state of Montana in 1996. He lived there in total isolation since 1971, without modern conveniences like electricity and electricity. ;running water. The cabin found an explosion ready to use and equipment to produce more bombs.

Kill the powdered letter

Barely three years after the judgment against the Unabombs, new letters spreading terror to the United States were sent. This time it was an envelope, better known as Spleen Fire, sent to the media and politicians shortly after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001.

Five people were killed and 17 sick, the US postal service was almost paralyzed and a Senate building was closed at some point.

Only seven years later, in 2008, the police investigation was decisive. The traces indicated a 62-year-old researcher working in a state laboratory for biological fighters. He committed suicide just before the Justice Department pursued him. The survey was officially completed in 2010.


This spring, the booby – trapped letters were revived in the United States after two people were killed and several injured during a series of explosions in Austin, Texas. Several explosive charges were trapped letters while a detonation was triggered by a tripod wire.

The suspect, aged 23, died when he unleashed an explosion in his vehicle when the police followed him on the highway. He left a video recording on his phone where he recognized the bombing, but the subject is still obscured.

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