US Expert on SVT Surveillance in the United States: "Liberal Left"


Following the appointment by Dr. Carina Bergfeldt of SVT's American journalist, American writer and expert Ronie Berggren criticizes the way SVT manages its American guard. "The public service is not objective, most people now understand it," he said.

SVT is recruiting journalists with a liberal view of US politics, says Ronie Berggren at the top of the American News Analysis podium. Ronie Berggren, who himself supports Republicans in the United States and Donald Trump, makes the connection to the environment of Swedish universities and other training sites for journalists, which he considers to be left.

Read more: Criticized by Trump Torture Appeal Board – SVT Journalist Now Receives PhD in Umeå

For a while, you criticized the work of Carina Bergfeldt as SVT correspondent in the United States. In short, how are you criticizing?

On the left side of her report, a clear example was when she posted a photo on a social media bill at the hospital in April:

"There are countries where health care is free and others do not""Writes Ronie Berggren, who also points out that health care is not free in Sweden, but that they are funded by taxes and patient fees.

"So, her response was ideologically clear, and the fact that she was left also appeared in February when she clicked for Ali Esbati to be elected to the board of the left party, which the former director SVT News, Ulf Johansson, made it clear that it was not acceptable, "writes Berggren.

Quote from Ulf Johansson taken from an article in the CV:

"It is unacceptable to click on similar political questions, either via an official SVT account or on its own behalf if you are a SVT journalist."

You criticized Bergfeldt for his lack of knowledge and understanding of American politics. Explain what you mean.

"Yes, she is unable to represent Donald Trumps politics or Republican politics from their own perspective, but still explains American politics from a democratic point of view.Most of them talk about the United States in the public service, but Bergfeldt often goes even further, through her leftist leftist reports, as when she was following mass shooting in Las Vegas last year, said:

"When Donald Trump held a press conference, he never mentioned the word terrorism, but you do as you usually do in the United States when it's a matter of course." solitary white delinquent; you call him alone. "

Stephen Paddock, as the author called him, was a lonely man. It had nothing to do with his complexion. To be a terrorist, one must have a political / religious or ideological motive, which nothing indicated to Paddock. That's why he was alone.

But Bergfeldt did not try to pretend the name was because Trump did not want to hit white criminals like terrorists, "Berggren writes.

You have already criticized Erika Bjerström, representative of Bergfeldt's position. Does SVT make recruitment mistakes for the correspondent mission?

"Yes, of course, they are recruiting people who have a left-wing view of the US One can deduce something from their own inability to remove their own glasses, but of course also from the fact that the academic environment in which future journalists form is leftist.

This is the case of Carina Bergfeldt in particular, as I did myself, connected to the University of Umeå. Since this is only a year that separates us, we lived in almost the same student environment. A very left like that when he came to the United States.

In my first class, a course on peace and conflict resolution, which I had succeeded in 1999, we had the left-wing icon, Noam Chomsky, as a student literature. When I started studying political science and I went to the campus bookstore to find history books about the United States, there was only one Meme it book. Howard Zinn, "A Popular History of the United States" – The American Workers' Classic, a clear book for the left.

Personally, I was very critical in the image of the United States, fed by the teaching, the official student literature and the activists of the classical left.

But most of my classmates bought what they had been fed, which meant that they could have no other opinion of the left on their view of the United States.

Carina Bergfeldt is an example. She is what she was trained for. "

You are open to Republican and Conservative. How does this affect your judgment on Bergfeldt?

"Not at all really." I have a lot of remaining friends (from Umeå, not the least) .Anyway, she could be left behind if she reports factually and honestly communicates the point of view of Republicans.

My problem with her is that she does not do it. "

Carina Bergfeldt today received an honorary doctorate from the University of Umeå. What do you think?

"As I was before, Umeå has a strong left and they give a prize to a former student who listened obediently.

If you were in charge of SVT, how would you manage the recruitment into the correspondent mission in the United States? A particular name that you think is appropriate?

"I would have a journalist who would openly support the Democrats and another who would openly support the Republicans, and then let them tell what is happening in the United States (with an objective lens, and with two journalists with different impact, they check each other), which then gives their respective ideological analyzes of the event.The public service is not objective, most people now understand it.And Carina Bergfeldt is a great example. There is no point in playing, that is all, it is better to confess the colors, to let everybody talk, then let the public judge which side is most trusted in different subjects.

But there we are not yet, so it's good that there are options on the public service page. "

Zackrisson's excavator participated in Ronie Berggrens's American news analysis and also wrote a shorter review on the back of Berggren's book on George W. Bush.

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