US military intervention threatens settlement of humanitarian conflict in Mexico


On Thursday, news agencies AP and AFP announced that US Defense Minister James Mattis would soon sign an order to send at least 800 militants to the Mexican border. There can be up to 1,000.

The people to be arrested are a group of several thousand people, including many families, who, since October 12, have emigrated from Honduras, among others, to the United States via Mexico. Refugees are trying to escape from poverty and gang violence.

President Trump has several times stated that migrants were a threat and needed to be arrested.

On Friday, the Mexican government responded to the military threat of reaching out to humanitarian aid by providing migrants with temporary identity papers and jobs for asylum seekers in the country. He writes to the Reuters news agency.

– This plan is For those who respect the laws of our country, it is a first step towards a permanent solution for those who obtain refugee status in Mexico, said President Enrique Pena Nieto in a statement.

The plan is called "Estas en Tu Casa", you will feel at home.

Read more:

A large part of the American population corresponds to the "migrant caravan"

Refugees from Honduras are welcomed in Mexico

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