US President Donald Trump causes a crisis meeting at NATO


The NATO summit in Brussels is being held today on the second day. And so the second day with Circus Trump – which deviates vigorously from the clean and serious way in which the NATO summits are usually performed.

After all NATO leaders yesterday agreed to a joint statement and a communication Thursday. have begun to meet the Presidents of NATO Partner Countries, Georgia and Ukraine.

But during this meeting, Trump started talking about money – after which NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg interrupted the meeting. The Georgian and Ukrainian presidents had to leave the premises so that only NATO leaders remain. The meeting is still in progress.

Jens Stoltenberg has a difficult task to manage Donald Trump. As reported by DN, Trump began his visit to Brussels with yesterday at breakfast with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg barking in Germany. Trump then released Twitter on a video with all his tirad on the gas addiction in Russia and the little Germany is investing in his defense.

But when Trump was sitting side by side with German Angela Merkel in front of the cameras, there were idiosyncrasies. Minplay was a coincidence.

NATO countries – including the United States – agreed on a joint statement reiterating the 2014 decision. Countries should increase their defense budget by 39, here 2024 to reach at least 2% of the gross domestic product. finished, Trump demanded that it would be 4 percent. When Trump was not heard, he went out and tweeted: "Must pay 2 percent IMMEDIATELY NOT 2025."

But when the leaders met at noon at 8 pm on Wednesday night, there were meetings. The work was devoted, among others, to Russia. The Secretary General of NATO first asked Trump to talk about his meeting in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

Trump spoke of his success as a negotiator for 15 minutes. Other leaders raised their different hearts and stressed the importance of steadfastness to Russia – but also prepared for the dialogue.

Trump then silenced and seemed to listen attentively. The atmosphere was "friendly," said one of the attendees at DN. But Wednesday morning, Trump resumed his criticism of Twitter on the Allies. "ALL NATO countries must respect their commitment of 2% to reach 4%." It can be added that NATO's own figures show that even the United States does not reach 4% but 3.5%

and now a crisis meeting concerns Trump's demands.

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