US TV chief accused of harassment – Culture & Entertainment


The events should have occurred between 1985 and 2006, and most women had talks with Moonves about job opportunities for the television channel, one of the five largest in the states. -United. Illeana Douglas, known from the movie "Maffiabrödder", is among those who accuse Moonves, claiming that she was fired from a comedy after joking about her approach.

He pushed me on the couch in his office and started to kiss me violently. When you are stuck in this way, you can not move, do not breathe. I felt like an animal trapped and could not stop him. That moment has persecuted me through life, she told New Yorker.


Leslie Moonves, now 68, said in a statement that he made mistakes and regrets it. He also claims that he has never used his position to prevent women's careers.

"I acknowledge that there were, decades ago, women uncomfortable with my approaches, it was a mistake and I regret they are unbelievable, but j & rsquo; I have always understood and respected that no, no, no, "he says.

CBS is now investigating the allegations and, in a statement, the company's representatives say that all cases of harassment are taken at In some allegations of inappropriate conduct against Moonves during his years as a TV channel employee.However, several employees testify to a business culture similar to that of a ". men's club, where men in their sixties are trying to be employees.

Voice in Metoo

The stories now rolled up are, according to women, a bitter aftertaste. year became a voice in the meto movement of Hollywood.In December last year he has helped to establish a commission against sexual harassment in the workplace.

When I heard, I thought, "Lord, there is no shame in the body," says one of the women in the newspaper. The only television channel in the United States that has received reports of sexual harassment. NBC and Fox News kicked some of their big profiles after the charges against them and paid millions of dollars in settlement.

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