US wants to impose new sanctions on Iran – EU condemns


Some of the sanctions against Iran have already been reinstated and Monday, all sanctions will be reinstated.

The announcement of new sanctions comes after US President Donald Trump, last spring, withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran because he felt that "his reason was wrong. ".

The agreement, signed by former US President Barack Obama, states that Iran must restrict its main activities in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

The EU condemns

The United States is reintroducing sanctions against Iran condemned by several countries.

France, Germany, Britain and the EU condemn in a joint statement the message of the United States to impose new sanctions on Iran. In this statement, the group also promises to protect European companies that have "legitimate" business interests in Iran.

"We deeply regret the reintroduction of sanctions by the United States," the statement said.

Want to press the regime

The Iranian currency has reached historically low levels as a result of Trump's sanctions decision, which has hit hard millions of ordinary Iranians struggling to collapse their economy. But it is the regime that the US president wants to put pressure on, especially through Sunday's punishment, which targets the oil industry and the Iranian banking system.

Sanctions will be taken against 700 other people, announcing the United States Friday.

Supports armed groups

In addition, Iran wants to exclude from the international banking system Swift – and threatens to penalize the Belgian society behind the system, if not.

However, eight countries, including Turkey, will be exempted from the oil sanctions imposed on Iran. The United States hopes that the economy will be so affected that the regime will be forced to reconsider the support of armed groups in the Middle East, such as the Huthire Bubbles in Yemen and the regime in Syria.

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