Vättern is threatened by an environmental disaster – Pages


In early May, the Havsresan Cooperation Project conducted its field week in Vättern and conducted submarine dives and samplings at several locations from south to north

. Andreas Vos.

Diving to Sörviken outside Olshammar, they found an area of ​​160,000 square meters affected by the bottom support

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Toxic cyanobacteria were found in ditches around Vadstena Castle

– The entire bottom is covered with white hydrogen sulfide. In this hydrogen sulfide, it becomes a gas formation and it's like big blankets or carpets of cyanobacteria, he says.

Cyanobacteria, sometimes called blue-green algae, are deadly. Several newspapers reported last summer that a horse and a dog died after bathing in Vombsjön in the Skåne region and received cyanobacteria.

Cyanobacteria have a toxic effect on humans

– There are also links to diseases such as ALS. , Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, he says.

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Andreas Vos, project manager for the Sea Trip

The dives were made in the spring while it was still cold in the water. As a result, divers did not expect to find such amounts of cyanobacteria.

– It was shocking that there were such fields. It usually starts with photosynthesis much later, in the summer, but here it was already a thousand times worse than we have seen, he says.

Some cyanobacteria add spores and other winters and spread throughout Vättern. [19659004] – Are they attached to sedimentary bottoms on this page, so there is a recurring problem from year to year.

And cyanobacteria have also been found in dives in and out of Vadstena.

– He is in the moat and is in Naddöviken,

Doing nothing is the same as the Baltic Sea and other surface lakes, he says.

Vättern drinks water for about a quarter of a million people.

– One should know that there are thousands of chemicals and drugs coming from a sewage treatment plant, he says.

Thousands of chemicals would be in the water, but samples are only taken in a few cases.

Chemicals react to each other and together, different chemicals may have different effects than those of each

– It will be a cocktail effect when chemicals are mixed.

Andreas Vos looks like Vättern in a large aquarium where emissions

Not only is drinking water affected by emissions, but Vättern is leading in terms of environmental pollutants in fish that are at the top of the food chain.

Wild and sour fish are specialties of Vättern. Vättern fish can not be exported due to high environmental risks, and the Swedish Food Administration recommends not to eat these fish more than two, three times a year because 's they contain high levels of dioxin and PCBs.

Dioxin and PCBs are very harmful to the environment. Animal experiments have shown that high levels interfere with brain development and sometimes lead to behavioral disturbances. For humans, high levels of contaminants can affect the hormonal and reproductive systems.

Andreas Vos criticizes claims that the water of Vättern is clean

– It is strange that the water is so clean, but the fish is so sick, he says.

[IlestconseilléauxfemmesenceintesdenepasmangercesVätternfiskar19659004] The location in Vättern is acute and must be done now, he says. At the same time, he believes that it is possible to reverse what is a threatening environmental disaster.

– The first thing to do is to bring the problem back to the surface so that you understand the extent and then you must have professional staff. There must be diving inspectors who are trained to watch the bottom support and emissions.

– You have to look to see if the ecosystem is alive or dead.

The other thing you can do is learn what has been done in the sound. Kjell Andersson, who is also a Sea Rescue project manager, warned in the 1980s about deaths at sea, lifeless seabed, tales and bathing bans in the strait. He broke and Dagblad from Helsingborg wrote and attention led to a demonstration train.

– They addressed the problem. With better purification technology in processing plants and stopped emissions, Andreas Vos says and continues:

– Now the ecosystem has recovered in the Sound. What we do know is the greatest geographical recovery of an underwater ecosystem that we have on the planet today.

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